Million-dollar classic cars are more expensive than Rolls-Royce, even if you have money, they are difficult to buy

Classic Rolls-Royce have engineering like no other and you will not get it restored to new condition without a buttload of cubic dollars or euros and once you get the thing squared away, you have more money in it than its worth. So, you better enjoy that thing to the tune of what you spent on it. You could probably buy a new one for what the restoration will cost. But, it is a Classic… Unlike a boat, the best day with a Rolls, is when you part with it for a profit… Is this guy smiling, yet…?

The Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow and Bentley T Series motor cars are equipped with a power braking system and an automatic height control system, both of which are critical for proper operation of the auto and you could invest a fortune in these failing systems. I know a specialist that specializes in expensive repairs for a myriad of platforms and he lives in three villas across the globe. Not bad for a grease monkey…

A friend of mine owns one of these and his title is ‘Lord’… so, Bentley maintains it. If I would get drunk (in the past) I would go visit him and drive in the ditch as my Limey buddies put it. A cruise to Dublin for fresh Guinness would be enough to satisfy my thirst for both…

See that mile-wide smile… He just sold it… for a profit. Beverly Hills is full of people who ‘think’ they ‘need’ a Rolls…

There is nothing like cruising a new $350K Ghost through the desert… They rent them in some Emirites countries if your interested in trying it before you buy it… Its hard to believe that there is that much value there, so try one out…

If you need something a little more sporty with a drop-top… $30M will get you into this…

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