The terrifying story behind the Dodge 330 car in the US called ‘the car that opened the door to hell’ makes even the bravest people cry

A Dodge named GoldenEagle in the USA is believed to be a real devil when killing 14 people at least.

If you know about Stephen King, you must have heard about one of his most famous novels named Christine. The novel immediately became a hot seller and even inspired a classic horror movie which told the story of an evil vintage vehicle possessed by supernatural forces. But have you ever thought that a demonic automobile actually existed in real life?

GoldenEagle is the nick name of a Dodge 330 Limited Edition produced in 1964. In spite of its normal look, this car was the culprit for more than 14 casualties throughout the USA.

The story begins with the deaths of 3 policemen at Old Orchard Beach who used to drive this Dodge when it’s bought to serve police force here. The thing is they all died in tragic scenes from murder to suicides, even taking lives of their own families.

Dodge 330 named GoldenEagle - world's most haunted car

The car cast death spell for its very first drivers

Due to its horror background, the police force sold the car to a local named Allen. Surprisingly, the car seemed to get well with Allens’ families as it has never caused harm to these people regardless of some occasions when it suddenly flings doors on the highway.

Though the car has stayed peacefully besides Allens’ generations, its scary reputation has led two local church groups to a vandalism plan, aiming to destroy the car to get rid of evil elements.

After vandalizing the car, 2 leaders are crashed by 18-wheel trucks while all 32 members had faced the death in bizarre scenarios, including 4 hit by lightning.

Another incident in which the deadly Dodge was not the direct agent but adding up to its creepy profile is the deaths of 2 children in different years, around 1960s and 1980s. They were both hit by other cars and flung to the air. GoldenEagle, on the other side of the street at the same time, got them with its bumper and bonnet. Neither of 2 children survived.

The most recent piece of horror is the case of a kid touching the Dodge after he is challenged by others. Few weeks later, he killed his pet and all his family members for no reason. He also burned down his own house right after.

GoldenEagle vandalized the 2nd time

GoldenEagle being vandalized the 2nd time in 2010

Because of its notorious stories and fear for evil spirits cursed inside the car, a church group once again stole the Dodge and destroyed it. This time, they chopped it into pieces which were then scattered to different junkyards so that the demon could not relive.

GoldenEagle vandalized

The car was chopped into pieces.

Meanwhile, its current owner – Wendy Allen is coined “The Sea Witch of Old Orchard Beach” for using it to spread death spells in the region. She had to call for help from the Internet to gather all pieces of vandalized car. Simultaneously, she also decorated a 1992 Volvo with more than 2.5m beads, buttons, marbles and other noticeable things to draw people’s attention to autism. Wendy named it The Dazzling Razzberry.

She shared that as GoldenEagle has been passed down generations to generations in her family for over 40 years, she never felt ashamed or afraid of it. She and her family is the most vivid proof for its normal condition. Till now, most of the car parts have been collected but we could never see it in full design.

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